Publication |
| |
15 Minute Stem: Quick, creative, science, technology, engineering and mathematics for 5-11 year-olds |
Emily Hunt |
| |
15-Minute STEM Book 2: More quick, creative science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities for 5-11-year-olds |
Emily Hunt |
| |
365 Things to Make You go hmm...A year's worth of class thinking |
Sparky Teaching |
| |
40 Ways to Diversify the History Curriculum: A practical handbook |
Elena Stevens |
| |
A Curious Curriculum |
Claire Banks, Mick Waters |
A Curriculum of Hope |
Debra Kidd |
| |
A Head Full of Ethos |
Armando Di-Finizio |
| |
The A Level Mindset |
Steve Oakes, Martin Griffin |
| |
The A Level Mindset Student Workbook |
Steve Oakes, Martin Griffin |
| |
A Mindset for Success |
Tony Swainston |
| |
A Moon on Water |
Roy Leighton, Trisha Lee, Tim Harding, Steve Bowkett |
A Multiple Intelligences Road to an ELT Classroom |
Michael Berman |
| |
A School Built on Ethos |
James Handscombe |
A Tin of Thunks |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
About Our Schools: Improving on previous best |
Tim Brighouse, Mick Waters |
| |
Accelerated Learning: A User's Guide |
Alistair Smith, Mark Lovatt, Derek Wise |
| |
The Accelerated Learning Zone CD |
Roland Roberts |
| |
Activate: A professional learning resource to help teachers and leaders promote self-regulated learning |
James Mannion, Louise Stoll, Karen Spence-Thomas, Greg Ross |
| |
Active Learning: Increasing Flow in the Classroom |
Gina Lewis, Patricia Hollingsworth |
| |
Amazing Assemblies for Primary Schools: 25 Simple-to-Prepare Educational Assemblies |
Mike Kent |
| |
Are You Dropping the Baton? From effective collaboration to all-through schools -- your guide to improving transition |
Dave Harris, Ian Gilbert, Gervase Phinn |
| |
The Art of Being a Brilliant Classroom Assistant |
Gary Toward, Chris Henley, Andy Cope |
| |
The Art of Being a Brilliant Middle Leader |
Gary Toward, Chris Henley, Andy Cope |
| |
The Art of Being a Brilliant NQT |
Chris Henley, Gary Toward, Andy Cope |
| |
The Art of Being a Brilliant Primary Teacher |
Andy Cope |
| |
The Art of Being a Brilliant Teacher |
Andy Cope, Gary Toward, Chris Henley |
The Artful Educator |
Sue Cowley |
| |
ASBO Teacher: An irreverent guide to surviving in challenging classrooms |
Samuel Elliott |
ASK (Attitudes Skills Knowledge): How To Teach Learning To Learn in the Secondary School |
Juliet Strang, Phil Masterson, Oliver Button, Bill Lucas, Paul Ginnis |
| |
Bad Education: The Guardian Columns |
Phil Beadle |
| |
Because of You, This is Me |
Jaz Ampaw-Farr, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Becoming a Teacher: The legal, ethical and moral implications of entering society's most fundamental profession |
Alan Newland |
| |
Becoming Emotionally Intelligent |
Catherine Corrie |
| |
Becoming Mobius: The complex matter of education |
Dr Debra Kidd, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Beginner's Guide to Cooperative Learning |
Jakob Werdelin, Drew Howard |
| |
The Best Job in the World |
Vic Goddard |
| |
Best of the Best: Engagement |
Isabella Wallace |
| |
Best of the Best: Feedback |
Isabella Wallace |
| |
Best of the Best: Progress |
Isabella Wallace |
Beyond Wiping Noses: Building an informed approach to pastoral leadership in schools |
Stephen Lane |
| |
The Big Book of Independent Thinking |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
Big Ideas in Education: What every teacher should know |
Dr Russell Grigg |
| |
The Birmingham Book |
Colin Diamond Cbe, Mick Waters |
The Board Game Family |
Ellie Dix |
| |
The Book of Plenary |
Phil Beadle |
| |
The Book of Thunks |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
Botheredness: Stories, stance and pedagogy |
Hywel Roberts |
| |
The Brain Box |
David Hodgson |
Brain Posters |
Jenny Maddern |
| |
Brave Heads: How to Lead a School Without Selling Your Soul |
Dave Harris, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Brave PAs: The Ultimate Guide to Being Outstanding in a Tough Job |
Angela Garry |
Bright Ideas for Managing the Positive Classroom |
Peter Clutterbuck |
| |
Bringing Forth the Bard: A guide to teaching Shakespeare in the English classroom |
Zoe Enser |
| |
Catalyst: An evidence-informed, collaborative professionallearning resource for teacher leaders and other leaders workingwithin and across schools |
Carol Taylor, Louise Stoll, Karen Spence-Thomas, Chris Brown |
| |
Celebrating Teachers: Making a difference |
Chris Henley, Gary Toward |
| |
Changing Perceptions: Deciphering the language of behaviour |
Graham Chatterley |
| |
Chess for Schools: From simple strategy games to clubs and competitions |
Richard James |
Chess Improvement: It's all in the mindset |
Barry Hymer, Peter Wells |
| |
Clean Language in the Classroom |
Julie Mccracken |
Cognitive Load Theory: A pocket guide for teachers |
Steve Garnett |
| |
College Colleciton-Anda: For Reluctant Readers) |
Georgina Jonas |
| |
The College Collection Set 1 - for reluctant readers |
Georgina Jonas |
| |
The College Collection: Art Attack: for Reluctant Readers |
Georgina Jonas |
| |
The College Collection: Jim Jam, for Reluctant Readers |
Georgina Jonas |
| |
The College Collection: Luca, for Reluctant Readers |
Georgina Jonas |
| |
The College Collection: Nolan, for Reluctant Readers |
Georgina Jonas |
| |
The College Collection: Woody, for Reluctant Readers |
Georgina Jonas |
| |
The Competency Curriculum Toolkit |
Jackie Beere, Helen Boyle |
| |
The Compleat Thunks Book |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Complete Learner's Toolkit |
Jackie Beere |
| |
Conceptual Maths: Teaching 'about' (rather than just 'how to do') mathematics in schools |
Peter Mattock |
Cool Cat Chem Cards: Making Chemistry Fun |
| |
Covering the Curriculum with Stories: Supplementary Projects for Foundation and KS1 |
Sharon Ginnis, Paul Ginnis |
| |
Covering the Curriculum with Stories: Six Cross Curricular Projects that Teach Literacy and Thinking |
Sharon Ginnis, Paul Ginnis |
| |
The CPD Curriculum |
Zoe Enser, Mark Enser |
| |
Creative Thinking in Schools: A Leadership Playbook |
Bill Lucas, Ellen Spencer, Louise Stoll, Di Fisher-Naylor, Nia Richards, Sian James, Katy Milne |
| |
Curriculum:Athena versus the machine |
Martin Robinson |
| |
Dancing About Architecture: A Little Book of Creativity |
Phil Beadle, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Dare to be Different: A leadership fable about transformational change in schools |
Will Ryan |
| |
The Decisive Element |
Gary Toward, Mick Malton, Chris Henley, Jaz Ampaw-Farr |
| |
Developing Tenacity: Teaching learners how to persevere in the face of difficulty |
Bill Lucas, Ellen Spencer |
| |
Dirty Teaching: A Beginner's Guide to Learning Outdoors |
Juliet Robertson, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Discipline Coach |
Jim Roberson, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Don't Change the Light Bulbs: A compendium of expertise from the UK's most switched-on educators |
Rachel Jones |
| |
Don't Send Him in Tomorrow: Shining a light on the marginalised, disenfranchised and forgotten children of today's schools |
Jarlath O'brien, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Dynamically Different Classrooms: Create spaces that spark learning |
Claire Gadsby |
| |
Educating Ruby: What our children really need to learn |
Guy Claxton, Bill Lucas |
| |
Educational Research: Taking the plunge |
Phil Wood |
| |
Eduqas GCSE Spanish |
Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
| |
Eduqas GCSE French |
Louise Pearce, Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
| |
Edugas GCSE French Teacher Guide |
Louise Pearce, Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
| |
Eduqas GCSE German |
Chris Whittaker, Bethan Mchugh |
| |
Eduqas GCSE German Teacher Guide |
Chris Whittaker, Bethan Mchugh |
| |
Eduqas GCSE Revision Guide French |
Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
| |
Eduqas GCSE Revision Guide German |
Chris Whittaker, Bethan Mchugh |
| |
Eduqas GCSE Revision Guide Spanish |
Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
| |
Eduqas GCSE Spanish Teacher Guide |
Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
| |
Effective School Leadership: Strategies for Successful School Administrators |
James Johnston |
Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom |
Michael Brearley |
| |
Exam Literacy: A guide for teachers and school leaders to doing what works (and not what doesn't) to better prepare students for exams |
Jake Hunton |
Excel With Multiple intelligences Poster Set |
| |
The Expert Teacher |
Darren Mead, Phil Beadle |
| |
First Steps to a Physical Basis of Concentration |
Roy Anderson |
| |
Forget School: Why young people are succeeding on their own terms and what schools can do to avoid being left behind |
Martin Illingworth |
| |
Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound: Making maths memorable, accessible and relevant |
Danielle Bartram |
| |
The Four Pillars of Parental Engagement |
Justin Robbins, Karen Dempster |
| |
Freaked Out: The Bewildered Teacher's Guide to Digital Learning |
Simon Pridham |
From Able to Remarkable: Help your students become expert learners |
Robert Massey |
| |
From My Heart: Transforming Lives Through Values |
Dr Neil Hawkes |
| |
Full on Learning: Involve me and I'll Understand |
Zoe Elder, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Fun Learning Activities for Modern Languages: A complete toolkit for ensuring engagement, progress and achievement |
Jake Hunton |
| |
Games for Teaching Primary French |
Daniele Bourdais, Sue Finnie |
| |
The GCSE Mindset |
Steve Oakes, Martin Griffin |
| |
The GCSE Mindset Student Workbook |
Steve Oakes, Martin Griffin |
Gilbert Filbert and His Big MAD Box |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
Girl Bullying |
Dr Sam |
| |
Good Ideas For Good Teachers Who Want Good Jobs |
Gerald Haigh |
| |
Guerrilla Teaching: Revolutionary tactics for teachers on the ground, in real classrooms, working for real |
Jonathan Lear |
| |
High Performers: The Secrets of Successful Schools |
Alistair Smith |
| |
How to be an Amazing Middle Leader |
Caroline Bentley-Davies |
How to be an Amazing Teacher |
Caroline Bentley-Davies |
| |
How to Explain Absolutely Anything to Anyone: The art and science of teacher explanation |
Andy Tharby |
| |
How to Move & Learn: An evidence-based guide to embedding physically active learning in your school |
Bryn Llewellyn, Ian Holmes, Richard Allman |
| |
How to Teach |
Phil Beadle |
| |
How to Teach: English :Novels, non-fiction and their artful navigation |
Chris Curtis, Phil Beadle |
| |
Impact Techniques in the Classroom: 88 Activities to Engage Your Students |
Danie Beaulieu |
| |
Imperfect Leadership: A book for leaders who knowthey don't know it all |
Steve Munby, Michael Fullan |
| |
Imperfect Leadership in Action: A practical book for school leaders who know they don't know it all |
Steve Munby, Marie-Claire Bretherton |
| |
Improving Classroom Performance: Practical applications for effective teaching and learning |
Stephen Chapman, Steve Garnett, Alan Jervis |
| |
Independent Thinking |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
Independent Thinking on Being a SENCO: 113 tips for building relationships, saving time and changing lives |
Ginny Bootman |
Independent Thinking on Emotional Literacy: A passport to increased confidence, engagement and learning |
Richard Evans |
Independent Thinking on Laughter:Using humour as a tool to engage and motivate all learners |
Independent Thinking on Loss: A little book about bereavement for schools |
Ian Gilbert |
Independent Thinking on MFL:How to make modern foreign language teaching exciting, inclusive and relevant |
Crista Hazell |
| |
Independent Thinking on Nature-Based Learning: Improving learning and well-being by teaching with nature in mind |
Alexia Barrable, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Independent Thinking on Primary Teaching: Practical strategies for working smarter, not harder |
Mark Creasy |
Independent Thinking on Restorative Practice: Building relationships, improving behaviour and creating stronger communities |
Mark Finnis |
Independent Thinking on Teaching and Learning: Developing independence and resilience in all teachers and learners |
Jackie Beere, Ian Gilbert |
Independent Thinking on Teaching in Higher Education: From theory to practice |
Erik Blair |
Independent Thinking on Transition:Fostering better collaboration between primary and secondary schools |
Dave Harris, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Inspirational Teachers, Inspirational Learners: A book of hope for creativity and the curriculum in the twenty first century |
Will Ryan, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Invisible Teaching: 101 ways to create energy, openness and focus in the classroom |
Dave Keeling, David Hodgson |
| |
Kidz-Fiz-Biz: Physical Business for Kids- Learning through Drama, Dance and Song |
Marlene Rattigan |
| |
The Kindness Principle |
Dave Whitaker |
| |
The Ladder |
Andrew Bernard |
| |
The Lazy Teacher's Handbook |
Jim Smith, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Lazy Teacher's Handbook |
Jim Smith, Ian Gilbert |
Leader: Know, love and inspire your people |
Katy Granville-Chapman, Emmie Bidston |
| |
Leadership Dialogues: Conversations and activities for leadership teams |
John West-Burnham, Dave Harris |
| |
Leadership Dialogues II: Leadership in times of change |
Dave Harris, John West-Burnham |
| |
Leadership for Sustainability: Saving the planet one school at a time |
David Dixon |
| |
Leadership for Tomorrow: Beyond the school improvement horizon |
Malcolm Groves, John West-Burnham |
| |
Leadership with a Moral Purpose: Turning your school inside out |
Will Ryan, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Leading Maths: The essential guide for new and aspiring maths leaders |
Peter Mattock |
| |
The Learner's Toolkit |
Jackie Beere, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Learning Imperative: Raising performance in organisations by improving learning |
Andy Griffith, Mark Burns |
| |
Learning Through a Lens: It's all about photography |
Jane Hewitt, Mick Waters |
Learning To Learn: Making Learning Work For All Students |
Garry Burnett |
| |
Learning To Learn: Assess Your Multiple Intelligences and Learning Style (CDROM) |
Garry Burnett |
| |
Learning to Learn in Practice: The L2 approach |
John Turner, Mark Lovatt, Alistair Smith |
| |
Learning To Learn Value Pack (CD ROM, Book, Video) |
Garry Burnett |
| |
Learning to Learn: Making Learning Work for All Students (Video) |
Garry Burnett |
| |
Learning with 'e's: Educational theory and practice in the digital age |
Steve Wheeler |
| |
Learning without Fear: A Practical Toolkit for Developing Growth Mindset in the Early Years and Primary Classroom |
Julia Stead |
| |
Literacy: Commas, colons, connectives and conjuctions |
Phil Beadle |
| |
The Literacy Toolkit |
Amanda Sara |
| |
The Little Book of Awe and Wonder |
Dr Matthew Mcfall |
| |
The Little Book of Awe and Wonder |
Dr Matthew Mcfall |
| |
The Little Book of Being an Outstanding Tutor |
| |
The Little Book of Bereavement for Schools |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Little Book of Big Stuff about the Brain |
Andrew Curran, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Little Book of Charisma |
David Hodgson, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Little Book of Dyslexia |
Joe Beech, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Little Book of Inspirational Teaching Activities |
David Hodgson, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Little Book of Laughter |
Dave Keeling, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Little Book of Music for the Classroom |
Nina Jackson, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Little Book of The Autism Spectrum |
Dr Samantha Todd, Ian Gilbert |
The Little Book of Thunks |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Little Book of Values |
Julie Duckworth, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Little Owls Book of Thinking: An Introduction to Thinking Skills |
Ian Gilbert |
| |
Living Contradiction: A teacher's examination of tension and disruption in schools, in classrooms and in self |
Sean Warren |
| |
Love Teaching, Keep Teaching: The essential guide to improving well-being at all levels in schools |
Peter Radford |
| |
Make Your Own Rainbow: A colourful approach to all things STEAM |
Leonie Briggs |
| |
Making Every English Lesson Count: Six principles for supporting great reading and writing |
Andy Tharby |
| |
Making Every Geography Lesson Count: Six principles to support great geography teaching |
Mark Enser, Shaun Allison, Andy Tharby |
| |
Making Every History Lesson Count: Six principles to support great history teaching |
Chris Runeckles, Shaun Allison, Andy Tharby |
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Making Every Lesson Count: Six principles to support great teaching and learning |
Shaun Allison, Andy Tharby |
| |
Making Every Maths Lesson Count: Six principles to support great teaching and learning |
Making Every Maths Lesson Count:Six principles to support great maths teaching |
Emma Mccrea, Shaun Allison, Andy Tharby |
| |
Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching |
James a Maxwell, Shaun Allison, Andy Tharby |
| |
Making Every Primary Lesson Count: Six principles to support great teaching and learning |
Jo Payne |
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Making Every RE Lesson Count: Six principles to support religious education teaching |
Louise Hutton, Dawn Cox, Shaun Allison, Andy Tharby |
| |
Making Every Science Lesson Count: Six principles to support great teaching and learning |
Shaun Allison |
| |
Making Kids Cleverer: A Manifessto for closing the advantage gap |
David Didau |
| |
Making Kids Cleverer (Unabridged Audiobook): A manifesto for closing the advantage gap |
David Didau |
| |
Making the Leap: Moving from Deputy to Head |
Dr Jill Berry |
Making Your Words Work: Using NLP to Improve Communication, Learning & Behaviour |
Terry Mahony |
| |
Manglish: Bringing Maths and English together across the curriculum |
Lisa Jane Ashes, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Mentoring in Schools: How to become an expert colleague |
Haili Hughes |
| |
Messy Maths: A playful, outdoor approach for early years |
Juliet Robertson |
Middle Leadership for 21st Century Schools: From compliance to commitment |
Bill Lowe |
| |
Middle Leadership Mastery: A toolkit for subject and pastoral leaders |
Adam Robbins |
| |
The Mindful Teacher's Handbook |
Kamalagita Hughes |
| |
The Monkey-Proof Box |
Jonathan Lear |
| |
Mood Music: Three Classical CDs designed to accompany and enhance different training activities |
Roland Roberts |
| |
Move It: Physical Movement and Learning |
Alistair Smith |
Mozart for Accelerated Learning (CD): Unleash the Power of Mozart |
Roland Roberts |
| |
Mrs. Ockleton's Rainbow Kite and Other Tales |
Garry Burnett |
| |
Mrs. Ockleton's Rainbow Kite and Other Tales: Thinking Through Literature CD |
Garry Burnett |
| |
Mrs. Ockleton's Rainbow Kite and Other Tales: Thinking Through Literature Teacher Resource Book and CD |
Garry Burnett |
Multiple Intelligences Poster Set |
Jenny Maddern |
| |
Music for Learning |
Roland Roberts |
| |
My Child's Different: The Lessons learned from one family's struggle to unlock their son's potential |
Elaine Halligan |
| |
My School Improvement Doodle Book: Making Schools Better Three Notes at a Time |
Ben Keeling |
| |
Neuroscience for Teachers: Applying research evidence from brain science |
Richard Churches, Eleanor Dommett, Ian Devonshire |
| |
Never Mind the Inspectors: Here's Punk Learning |
Tait Coles, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Philosophy Foundation |
Andrew Day, Peter Worley |
| |
Obstetrics for Schools: A Guide to eliminating failure and ensuring the safe delivery of all learners |
Rachel Macfarlane |
| |
Of Teaching, Learning and Sherbet Lemons: A Compendium of Careful Advice for Teachers |
Nina Jackson, Ian Gilbert |
| |
On the Fringes: Preventing Exclusion in Schools through inclusive, child-centered, needs-based practice |
Jackie Ward |
| |
Oops! Helping children learn accidentally |
Hywel Roberts, Ian Gilbert |
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Oops!: Helping Children Learn Accidentally |
Hywel Roberts |
| |
Opening Doors to a Richer English Curriculum for Ages 10 to 13 |
Bob Cox, Leah Crawford, Verity Jones |
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Opening Doors to a Richer English Curriculum for Ages 6 to 9 |
Bob Cox, Leah Crawford, Verity Jones |
| |
Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English: Pitching high and including all |
Bob Cox, Leah Crawford, Angela Jenkins, Julie Sargent |
| |
Opening Doors to Famous Poetry and Prose: Ideas and Resources for Accessing Literary Heritage Works |
Bob Cox |
| |
Opening Doors to Quality Writing: Ideas for writing inspired by great writers for ages 6 to 9 |
Bob Cox |
| |
Opening Doors to Quality Writing: Ideas for writing inspired by great writers for ages 10 to 13 |
Bob Cox |
| |
Outside Chance (Don't Doubt the Rainbow 2) |
Anthony Kessel |
| |
Outstanding Teaching: Engaging Learners |
Andy Griffith, Mark Burns |
| |
Outstanding Teaching: Teaching Backwards |
Andy Griffith, Mark Burns |
| |
Parklands: A school built on love |
Chris Dyson |
Passive Music for Accelerated Learning, CD |
Roland Roberts |
| |
Passive Music for Accelerated Learning - audiocassette set |
Roland Roberts |
| |
The Perfect (Ofsted) English Lesson |
David Didau, Jackie Beere |
| |
The Perfect (Ofsted) Inspection |
Jackie Beere, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Perfect (Ofsted) School Governor |
Tim Bartlett, Jackie Beere |
| |
The Perfect (Ofsted) Science Lesson |
John Beasley, Jackie Beere |
| |
The Perfect Assessment for Learning |
Claire Gadsby, Jackie Beere |
| |
Perfect ICT Every Lesson |
Mark Anderson, Jackie Beere |
| |
The Perfect Lesson |
Jackie Beere, Ian Gilbert |
| |
The Perfect Maths Lesson |
Ian Loynd |
| |
The Perfect SENCO |
Natalie Packer, Jackie Beere |
| |
The (Practically) Perfect Teacher |
Jackie Beere |
| |
The (Practically) Perfect Teacher |
Jackie Beere |
| |
The Perfect (Teacher) Coach |
Jackie Beere, Terri Broughton |
| |
Perfect (Teacher-Led) CPD |
Shaun Allison |
| |
Personalising Learning in the Primary Classroom: A Practical Guide for Teachers and School Leaders |
Dr Elaine Wilmot |
| |
Personality in the Classroom: Motivating and inspiring every teacher and student |
David Hodgson |
| |
The Philosophy Foundation Provocations |
David Birch, Peter Worley, a C Grayling |
| |
The Philosophy Foundation |
Peter Worley |
| |
The Philosophy Foundation |
Peter Worley |
| |
The PLTS Toolkit |
Garry Burnett |
| |
Positive Reinforcement: Activities and Strategies for Creating Confident Learners |
Peter Clutterbuck |
Powerful Geography: A curriculum with purpose in practice |
Mark Enser |
| |
Powerful Questioning: Strategies for improving learning and retention in the classroom |
Michael Chiles |
| |
Powering Up Children: The Learning Power Approach to primary teaching |
Guy Claxton, Becky Carlzon |
| |
Powering Up Students: The Learning Power Approach to high school teaching |
Guy Claxton, Graham Powell |
Powering Up Your School: The Learning Power Approach to school leadership |
Guy Claxton, Jann Robinson, Rachel Macfarlane, Graham Powell, Gemma Goldenberg, Robert Cleary |
| |
The Practitioner's Guide to Mirroring Hands |
Richard Hill, Ernest L. Rossi |
| |
Primary Heads: Exceptional leadership in the primary school |
Bill Laar |
| |
The Primary Learner's Toolkit |
Jackie Beere, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Primary Maths: Anyone can feed sweets to sharks... |
Nick Tiley-Nunn, Phil Beadle |
| |
Primary Performers: The Secrets of a Successful Primary School |
Alistair Smith |
| |
Principled Headship |
Terry Mahony |
| |
The Philosophy Foundation Provocations |
David Birch, Peter Worley, a C Grayling |
Pygmalion in the Classroom: Teacher Expectation and Pupils' Intellectual Development |
Robert Rosenthal, Lenore Jacobson |
| |
Reading for Pleasure: A passport to everywhere |
Kenny Pieper, Phil Beadle |
| |
Reclaiming the Curriculum: Specialist and Creative Teaching in Prmary Schools |
Bill Laar, Jackie Holderness |
| |
Release Your Inner Drive: Everything you need to know about how to get good at stuff |
Bradley Busch |
| |
Resilience 1 and 2 |
Annie Greeff |
| |
Resilience Volume 1 |
Annie Greeff |
| |
Resilience Volume 2 |
Annie Greeff |
Road School: Learning Through Exploration and Experience |
Sue Cowley |
| |
Rocket Up Your Class: 101 high impact activities to start, end and break-up lesson plans |
Dave Keeling, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Secondary Science: Respiration is not breathing |
Catrin Green, Phil Beadle |
| |
The Secret of Literacy |
David Didau |
Settling Your Child in School |
Michelle Wallis |
Smoothies for the Brain: Brain-based strategies to defuse behavior problems |
Penny Cuninggim, Shannon Chabot |
| |
Sorting Out Behaviour: A head teacher's guide |
Jeremy Rowe, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Soundtracks for Learning: Using Music in the Classroom |
| |
Square Pegs: Inclusivity, compassion and fitting in - a guide for schools |
Fran Morgan, Ellie Costello, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Sticky Teaching and Learning: How to make your students remember what you teach them |
Caroline Bentley Davies |
| |
Storycraft: How to teach narrative writing |
Martin Griffin, Jon Mayhew |
| |
Stretch and Challenge for All: Practical Resources for Getting the Best Out of Every Student |
Torsten Payne |
| |
The Student Mindset |
Steve Oakes, Martin Griffin |
| |
The Subject Leader |
Steve Garnett, Phil Beadle |
Tails from the Classroom: Learning and teaching through animal-assisted interventions |
Helen Lewis, Dr Russell Grigg |
| |
Take Control of the Noisy Class: From Chaos to Calm in 15 seconds |
Rob Plevin |
| |
Talk-Less Teaching: Practice, Participation and Progress |
Isabella Wallace |
| |
Teach Like Nobody's Watching: The essential guide to effective and efficient teaching |
Mark Enser |
| |
Teach Like You Imagined It: Finding the right balance |
Kevin Lister |
| |
Teacher Geek: Because life's too short for worksheets |
Rachel Jones |
| |
Teacher in the Cupboard: Self-reflective, solution-focused teaching and learning |
Lisa Jane Ashes |
| |
The Teacher's Guide to SEN |
Natalie Packer |
| |
Teacher-Led Research: Designing and implementing randomised controlled trials and other forms of experimental research |
Richard Churches, Eleanor Dommett |
The Teachers Toolkit Volume 1 |
Paul Ginnis |
Teachers, Change Your Bait!: Brain-Compatible Differentiated Instruction |
Martha Kaufedt |
| |
Teaching: Notes from the front line |
Dr Debra Kidd, Ian Gilbert |
| |
Teaching Creative Thinking: Developing learners who generate ideas and can think critically |
Bill Lucas, Ellen Spencer |
| |
Teaching on a Shoestring: An A-Z of everyday objcts to enthuse and engage children and extend learning in the early years |
Russell Grigg, Helen Lewis |
| |
Teaching Poetry in the Primary School |
Gervase Phinn |
Teaching Towards Solutions: A Solution Focused Guide to Improving Student Behavior, Grades, Parental Support, and Staff Morale |
Linda Metcalf |
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Teaching with Flowers-for a blooming curriculum |
Julie Warburton, Mick Waters |
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Test-Enhanced Learning: A practical guide to improving academic outcomes for all students |
Kristian Still |
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That Behaviour Book: The simple truth about teaching children |
Stephen Baker |
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The Buzz |
David Hodgson |
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The Buzz: A Practical Confidence Builder for Teenagers |
David Hodgson |
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There is Another Way: The Second Big Book of independent thinking |
Ian Gilbert |
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There is Another Way: The second big book of Independent Thinking |
Ian Gilbert |
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They Did You Can: How to achieve whatever you want in life with the help of your sporting heroes, 2nd Ed |
Michael Finnigan |
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They Did You Can: How to Achieve whatever you want in life with the help of your sporting heroes |
Michael Finnigan |
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Think Before You Teach: Questions to challenge why and how you want to teach |
Martin Illingworth |
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Thinking Allowed on Schooling |
Mick Waters |
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The Thinking Teacher |
Oliver Quinlan |
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This Much I Know About Love Over Fear...Creating a Culture for Truly Great Learning |
John Tomsett |
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This Much I Know About Mind Over Matter... Improving Mental Health in Our Schools |
John Tomsett |
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The Philosophy Foundation |
Peter Worley, Andrew Day |
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Thrive: In your first three years of teaching |
Martha Boyne, Emily Clements, Ben Wright |
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Ticked Off: Checklists for teachers, students, school leaders |
Harry Fletcher-Wood |
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Tiny Voices Talk: Education, Engagement, Empowerment |
Toria Bono |
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Trivium 21c: Preparing Young People for the Future with Lessons from the Past |
Martin Robinson |
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Trivium in Practice |
Martin Robinson |
Troubled Hearts, Troubled Minds: Making sense of the emotional dimension of learning |
Peter Nelmes |
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Twenty-First Century School Assembly and Classroom Activities |
Will Ryan, Ian Gilbert |
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Uncharted Territories: Adventures In Learning |
Hywel Roberts, Debra Kidd |
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Understanding Leadership: Challenges and reflections |
Libby Nicholas, John West-Burnham |
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Understanding Leadership: Challenges and reflections |
Libby Nicholas, John West-Burnham |
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The Unexpected Leader |
Iesha Small, Ian Gilbert |
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Unhomework: How to Get the Most out of Homework Without Really Setting It |
Mark Creasy |
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The VESPA Mindset Workbook |
Steve Oakes, Martin Griffin |
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Visible Maths: Using representations and structure to enhance mathematics teaching in schools |
Peter Mattock |
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Visual Thinking: Tools for Mapping Your Ideas |
Nancy Margulies |
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We Did It Here! Inspirational Stories of School Improvement and Classroom Change |
Brin Best |
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What Else Can a Teacher Do? Review your career, reduce stress and gain control of your life |
David Hodgson |
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When the Adults Change, Everything Changes: Seismic shifts in school behaviour |
Paul Dix |
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Where Will I Do My Pineapples? The little book of building a whole new school |
Gill Kelly, Ian Gilbert |
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Whole School Progress the Lazy Way: Follow Me, I'm Right Behind You |
Jim Smith, Ian Gilbert |
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WJEC GCSE French |
Louise Pearce, Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
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WJEC GCSE French Teacher Guide |
Louise Pearce, Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
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WJEC GCSE German |
Chris Whittaker, Bethan Mchugh |
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WJEC GCSE German Teacher Guide |
Chris Whittaker, Bethan Mchugh |
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WJEC GCSE Revision Guide French |
Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
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WJEC GCSE Revision Guide German |
Chris Whittaker, Bethan Mchugh |
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WJEC GCSE Revision Guide Spanish |
Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
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WJEC GCSE Spanish |
Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
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WJEC GCSE Spanish Teacher Guide |
Bethan Mchugh, Chris Whittaker |
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The Wolf was not Sleeping |
Avril Mcdonald |
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The Wolf was not Sleeping |
Avril Mcdonald |
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The Wolf was not Sleeping |
Avril Mcdonald |
Words Work! How to Change Your Language to Improve Behavior |
Terry Mahony |
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The Working Class |
Ian Gilbert |
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The Working Classroom |
Matt Bromley, Andy Griffith |
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You: Rebranded: be seen, be heard, get noticed |
Richie Manu |
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Young, Gifted and Bored |
David George, Ian Gilbert |
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Zest for Learning: Developing curious learners who relish real-world challenges |
Bill Lucas, Ellen Spencer |