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December 3, 2024
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Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching

Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching

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Guided Imagery: Psychotherapy and Healing Through the Mind-Body Connection
By Rubin Battino

This unique, practical and accessible healing manual explores the most powerful methods of healing, primarily focusing on guided imagery, a healing technique that fully exploits the connection between mind and body. In addition, it encourages a multi-modal approach to healing through an analysis of other techniques, including psychotherapy-based methods and alternative therapies.

It presents a breakdown of published guided imagery scripts, while investigating the most effective methods in inducing a state of relaxation. Also included in this volume is an invaluable section on preparing patients for surgery, as well as chapters on Nutrition and Healing, by nutrition expert A. Ira Fritz PhD, and a chapter on Native American Healing Traditions, by healer Helena Sheehan PhD.



Guided Imagery: Psychotherapy and Healing Through the Mind-Body Connection


Format: Paperback
ISBN: 1845900383
Published: June, 2007
Availability: Available
Price: $34.95
Pages: 394