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February 13, 2025
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Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching

Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching

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Roadmap to Resilience: A Guide for Military, Trauma Victims and their Families
By Donald Meichenbaum Phd

In the aftermath of traumatic and victimizing events, most individuals (some 70%) evidence resilience, while up to 30% evidence chronic PTSD and related adjustment problems. In Roadmap to Resilience, Dr. Meichenbaum discusses the differences between these two groups for both military and civilian populations and specific ways to bolster resilience in six domains (physical, interpersonal, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and spiritual). It includes numerous examples of successful coping strategies, self improvement Action Plans, Hinge questions that open the door to possibilities, and a comprehensive Resource Guide designed to help the reader locate the exact information they need to address their situation and to help them become more resilient. User-friendly Appendices provide an easy-to-use guide on how to retrieve How To information for any specific need or interest area. This Guidebook will be of great assistance to help individuals and their families reintegrate and cope with the lingering effects of trauma. Clinicians will find it an invaluable resource of translating evidence-based interventions into specific guidelines for their clients.

What the Reviewers are Saying:

Writing a book that reviews the most relevant research on a topic is easy. Writing a book that is practical is hard. Dr. Meichenbaum has brilliantly done the latter in Roadmap to Resilience.  Drawing upon 40 years of clinical practice and research, the author has distilled the most salient aspects of resilience and growth into an easy to understand and highly useful format. This book should be in the backpack of every soldier, in the hand of every leader, and on the desk of every clinician.--Bret A. Moore, PSYD, ABPP, Asst Prof of Clinical Psychiatry, Univ. of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio and co-author of Wheels Down: Adjusting to Life After Deployment

This is a really amazing piece of work. I am impressed that this book incorporates so many empirically-based approaches to trauma and resilience.  Dr. Meichenbaum is a master of this field, both in terms of knowing the concepts and research, and making them accessible to military service members and their families.  I would recommend this book to all clinicians who work with trauma survivors in order to help them see the various approaches they can take in treatment, and consider homework assignments they can suggest to their clients.--Richard Tedeschi, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

This is a must read for any trauma victim and for any service member and their family members. Dr. Meichenbaum has hit a home run with this Guidebook making it an invaluable reference for building resilience and assisting recovery from combat and any form of trauma-based injuries. Roadmap to Resilience is the trauma victims and warriors“go to” Handbook for psychological health and readjustment.--Sharon M, Freeman, PhD, MSN and co-editor of Living and Surviving in Harm's Way

This book will serve as a wonderful resource to read and re-read by those seeking to enrich their own lives and those of their loved ones following hardship and trauma.  It will also be an invaluable guide for clinicians working with those individuals and their families.--Robert Brooks, Ph.D., Faculty, Harvard Medical School




Roadmap to Resilience: A Guide for Military, Trauma Victims and their Families


Format: Paperback
ISBN: 0969884028
Published: October, 2012
Availability: Available
Price: $35.00
Pages: 224

See other title available by Don Meichenbaum