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June 13, 2024
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Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching

Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching

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Personality in the Classroom: Motivating and inspiring every teacher and student
By David Hodgson

The best teachers really understand themselves and their students. By uncovering personality strengths teachers can transform learning in their classroom. Armed with this practical book teachers can:

  • Help every student make progress by truly personalising learning
  • Improve behaviour, motivation and confidence
  • Balance the right levels of energy, creativity, resilience and control in each lesson
  • Reduce stress and boredom by stretching all students
  • Develop their leadership skills.

David has introduced this model to hundreds of schools (primary and secondary) and colleges both across the UK and abroad to inspire students, classroom teachers and leadership teams for over twenty years. Packed with examples of good practice, strategies and engaging activities this book helps teachers and students understand and adapt their natural strengths and styles for success across the curriculum. The book is based on the widely respected personality type model popularised by Myers-Briggs and others but rarely applied in education. As one teacher says, 'If we all knew this stuff we could change the world'.



Personality in the Classroom: Motivating and inspiring every teacher and student


Format: Paperback
ISBN: 1845907418
Published: May, 2012
Availability: Out of stock
Price: $44.95
Pages: 272


Return to Teaching

  • Help every student make progress by truly personalising learning
  • Improve behaviour, motivation and confidence
  • Balance the right levels of energy, creativity, resilience and control in each lesson
  • Reduce stress and boredom by stretching all students
  • Develop their leadership skills.

David has introduced this model to hundreds of schools (primary and secondary) and colleges both across the UK and abroad to inspire students, classroom teachers and leadership teams for over twenty years. Packed with examples of good practice, strategies and engaging activities this book helps teachers and students understand and adapt their natural strengths and styles for success across the curriculum. The book is based on the widely respected personality type model popularised by Myers-Briggs and others but rarely applied in education. As one teacher says, 'If we all knew this stuff we could change the world'.

ISBN 1845907418
Availability Out of stock
Price: $44.95
Format Paperback
Publication Date May, 2012
Pages 272

This title is printed in English.
