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May 16, 2024
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Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching

Making Every MFL Lesson Count: Six principles to support great foreign language teaching

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The Miracle Question: Answer it and Change Your Life
By Linda Metcalf

Have you ever considered how a miracle would change your life? Would it enable you to get a better job, fix your marriage, stop drinking, keep your teenager home at night, make peace with your parents, silence your boss, bring back your deceased relative, or help you financially?

In this ground-breaking volume, Dr. Linda Metcalf challenges readers to ask themselves:

'Suppose tonight while you sleep, a miracle happens. When you awake tomorrow morning, what will you see yourself doing, thinking, or believing about yourself that will confirm that a miracle has taken place in your life?'

Specifically addressing substance abuse, parenting problems, marital stress, and trauma fallout, The Miracle Question is a step-by-step approach for people who feel 'stuck' and overwhelmed by their lives. It offers methods for tapping into sources and resources they already have called 'exceptions'. 'Exceptions' are the 'good' they've learned from past experiences but have perhaps forgotten about, or situations that went well for them in the past, but over time got pushed aside. By understanding that their problems have eroded their confidence, readers can discover that their abilities have simply been in limbo, ready to use as solutions.



The Miracle Question: Answer it and Change Your Life


Format: Paperback
ISBN: 1845900405
Published: February, 2007
Availability: Out of stock
Price: $16.95
Pages: 160


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